March 8, 2014

Days of formal events

Hi everybody! 

Lately we've been invited to some formal events. Usually I wear casual kimono so my wardrobe doesn´t have many formal stuff, and there was little time between the events. So I decided to do two combinations around one obi. 

Blue iromuji with 1 kamon (family crest that raise the formality of the kimono), with purple obiage and obijime. The zori was blue too.

One of the events was a concert of japanese popular songs. The famous singer Akiko Kiyono liked our kimonos ^^

私は日本民謡のコンサートに行ってきました (*^▽^*)
Burgundy colored tsukesage with pink/coral obiage and yellow obijime.

I'm working on a photo shooting, if all goes as expected, it'll be spectacular!!