December 9, 2013

With modern kimono style

Hi! I'm back!

Some days ago was colaborating on an event of japanese culture, and couldn't decide what to wear for the japanese modern weekend. First i wanted something related with the local fabrics and silks, later thought about 'Alice in wonderland', and finally wanted 20's look too hahaha 

The result is this:

Blue iromuji. One color kimono.

Rokutsuu Fukuro obi. Informal but lovely. I borrowed it to a friend, i love it and want to steal (。♥‿♥。) It's blue with red/pinkish threads that seems a bit purple from far.

Brown baroque patterned tights and brown Mary Jane shoes.

Blue belt and felt hat.

And Valencia's silk and laces.

Qué me pongo para ir a un evento sobre cultura japonesa moderna? Se puede aprovechar el kimono como base e ir añadiendo lo que queramos. Tenía demasiadas cosas en mente, seda valenciana, Alicia en el país de las maravillas, años 20... 
Al final fue una mezcla de cosas que me apetecían combinar más que centrarme en un estilo. Aunque el azul no es un color que esté entre mis favoritos cada día va ganando puntos, al menos el azul oscuro. Ciertos tonos me parecen tan fácilmente combinables como el negro. 

Aproveché para estrenar unas lentillas violeta que compré. Intenté que tuvieran poca parte de color, para que fusionara un poco con mi iris y quedara más natural, pero supongo que con ese color es imposible jajaja


   With purple lenses. Some people were scared (*≧▽≦)
パープルレンズ! それはこわい?

Some apps for the smartphones cameras are great! 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) It seems a bit nostalgic, isn't it?

December 2, 2013

Working with PS


We started the degree in September so I've done many class work,  but i have few pictures now. The drawing teacher took away some of my works, she said something like: I want to take photos. That's good i guess ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀

For this one we had to make something related with the nature, a leaf, fruit .. and create a texture for it. 

I decided to use a traditional japanese pattern that's commonly seen on obi, hakata. Well, hakata refers a kind of weaving technique from Fukuoka, and it could have various patterns but the most characteristic is is what appears on the link below.

Uno de los primeros trabajos realizados para clase, dibujo del natural. Elegí hojas de Adelfa, pintadas con grafito, con colores, dibujo técnico, por ordenador etc.
Aunque ahora solo tengo del que teníamos que crear una textura, el resto lo tiene la profesora. A ver si me lo devuelve pronto >< 
Para la textura me inspiré en el tejido japonés Hakata, el diseño más popular son una especie de cadenas de figuras geométricas. En el enlace de abajo hay una imagen, aunque no se ve muy bien se puede hacer una idea.

博多織に触発されたクラスの仕事  ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

Hakata info: 

A few days ago I could wear my furisode, I'm very happy ^^ it was with me for a year and couldn't use. I'll try to show it soon.

Próximamente fotos con mi furisode, el kimono más formal para mujeres solteras. 

私はすでに振袖を着ていたあとで写真を表示する  (/^▽^)/  

See you soon! またね! :3

November 21, 2013

Tsukesage premiere :)

Hi everybody!

Today i have some pics about the kimono coordination for the opening of a japanese art exhibition. Many people asks me: did you sewn the kimono? eeeeh, nope. But thanks for thinking that i have the knowledge to do it hehe ^^ Almost all of the kimono pieces has a rectangular shape, but has a traditional sewing way. With it's own tools. 
For now, i settle to learn how to wear it properly. This is something that has some difficult too, you have to know exactly your figure and the kimono size. Also TPO (time, place, occasion)

La semana pasada fue la inauguración del año dual España-Japón en Valencia, coincidiendo con el inicio del 2º ciclo de Japón. Para el acto me puse este kimono que le tenía muchas ganas, no me lo había puesto todavía y el color es una pasada *.*
Mucha gente que me conoce me pregunta si me coso los kimonos jeje no. Esta claro que se puede sacar patrones de todo y no es imposible aprender una por su cuenta mirándolo bien por todas partes. Es una prenda tradicional y tiene su manera de coser con herramientas para ello. Aunque ya he cosido algunos, no considero que tenga los conocimientos necesarios. De momento seguiré con lo que me gusta que es cuando me visto; practicar para que cada día salga un poco mejor el resultado. 

Tsukesage with fukuro obi


私は少し日本語を話すが、勉強している。ごめん  (´_`。)


シークレットガーデンへようこそ  (*^▽^*)

And this is a present,  lovely sundown in Barcelona (♥ω♥ ) ~♪

October 22, 2013

The last few weeks..

..i've been doing homework hahaha 
As i said some time ago, now i'm studying fashion design. Soon i'll show some pics about that i was working.
Without pictures this have no sense ok ok i'll leave one about a kimono exhibition (^▽^)
This is my favourite silk kimono, but it's small so i wear it in a modern style with a handmade sewn squirrel at the obi.

Hola! Las primeras palabras en Español de este blog ^^ Aunque tengo poco tiempo intentaré no abandonarlo por completo. Mostraré los trabajos que realizo para clase, photoshoots, dibujos, etc. y también hablaré sobre mis aficiones que están bastante relacionados con la tela, ropa y arte.

Foto de una exhibición de kimono en la que participé. Es un kimono muy suave de seda; pero es bastante pequeño, no puedo llevarlo correctamente de forma tradicional, así que me lo puse de una forma moderna.

July 19, 2013

June 12, 2013

Crazy month

Until July, it'll be difficult to post. I'm studying and working, but the summer will bring some surprises.
I´ve in mind some new ideas for photoshoots. 
If i can, will show the progress of a painting and sewing work for an exhibition.

Aaaand, this summer or early fall i'll try to post in 3 new languages! Français, Español and 日本語 (French, Spanish and Japanese).
I wish to know more languages, i think it's the better way to know the culture of a country, but i can't (for the time being) ~(^◇^)/

May 12, 2013

Kimono show and exhibition

As I said in the previous post, some friends and I prepared a kimono show. 
We hadn't much time, only 20 minutes per person so it's the fastest kitsuke I've ever made.  Overall I think it was quite well, taking away some details showing the lack of time ~(>_<~)

The big problem was the furisode. Furisode is the most formal kimono for young unmarried women. And of course the most colorful and striking, with its respective big knot on the back. The other kimono were worn informally so it wasn't much problem. But the furisode wahaha that's another thing.

The famous furisode

Yukata, summer kimono. Gyaru style

Kimono lolita style. I would not call it wa-lolita. Normally what is sold as wa-lolita is a dress quite far from what kimono is.

A dolly kei inspired style. It´s not as famous as other alternative fashion born in Japan, but I love it. And I think is quite easy to adapt the dolly kei to kimono, also to get a street style.

Visual kei in a bit old kimono. Unfortunately "old" and "small" often go together. 

Modern man style but with a women kimono.

And my combination. I have a mum on my face because this shot was taken in the afternoon, and my eyes scream "we want to sleep!" 
The han eri or the collar under de kimono, is faux leather.
I sewed lace on the collar of the kimono and a chain with leafs.
The obi is hanhaba, but I used a brown scarf as a obiage, and brown belt as obijime.

Before to go on stage. 
Was fine, people came to ask after the show  (^▽^)

And the sunday

 We tried to teach how to wear a yukata. But people were scared O_O;well, in the end they laughed and were happy for have tried.

I'll participate in a design competition, and some other projects are prowling my head ... 
time come to me! (-^〇^-)

April 27, 2013

7 days left

I'm a bit nervous now. Why?? Because i'm working on a kimono show for Saturday May 4.  
It'll include a small parade, but almost all the equipment is mine so i hope don't forget anything. (/_\)

People who will parade are friends of mine(they aren't models), so they're excited and nervous too.
I'll try to do something fun and colorful, so that people be surprised and they want to know more about kimono.

April 17, 2013


Strawberry, peach in syrup and lychees. Decorated with grated chocolate and strawaberry Nesquik.

April 10, 2013

My pattern making and fashion project

Hi people! Today i show you the project i had to do to fininsh my studies. 
Teachers gave us many options about what to do. Make a collection(only the drawings), do some research on tissues, design historical costumes for theatre..etc.
But i wanted to make an outfit. Because i like each step in the creation of a garment. From blank paper looking for ideas to the fun photo shoot (^▽^) 

I was inspired by dolly kei, a style created by Hitomi Nomura through the store where she works, Grimoire. (Japan)

I made four pieces: dress, short lace jacket, a waistcoat and a dog dress.

This was a year ago, and i have continued making clothes since then. Now with a little more experience i can recognize some mistakes easily. That's fantastic, i hope to keep improving day by day (─‿‿─)

Model: Ruki-chan (

April 4, 2013

With the spring comes the heat

One of the last cold days. I took it when i went to work a few days ago. I'll miss it because i know the summer will be long, and the unexpected stormy days makes me to be more creative.

March 26, 2013

Colorful and delicious

Hello! Last week was quite warm, so i decided to make ice pop.

1 of banana and biscuits
2 of strawberry
2 of coffee with chocolate balls
and 1 of soluble cereals and chocolate bar

Luckily, they were small because i ate two daily  :P

March 9, 2013

Remembering Paris

Hello everybody! Where should i start? 
Well, today is a sunny day that reminds me good moments of last summer, especially the 3 day trip i made to Paris. Was short but very intense. 
It was the third time i was there, so i could see and do some things that are not in tourist guides.

I walked by Les Champs-Élysées in Yukata. 
Yukata is the summer kimono, made with cotton. The motif is the very common Asanoha, hemp leaf. 
The other main part of the outfit is the Obi. The red sash in the photo, made with cotton too.

January 8, 2013

Stay tuned, this journey will begin soon! :)

Don't forget anything! Be calm, the rush is not good. We must be prepared, because we don't know what lies ahead. The wonderful journey begin soon. Our journey through the secret garden.