February 2, 2014

Second design project at college


The first one i'll show other day, it was 4 drawings; but the second was a work with the mannequin (★^O^★) was a 25cm mannequin but I don't care. I've sewn many clothes before beginning the studies, but I was excited about do it as class work. Well, this was only a design work so we didn't need to sew it, only place it with pins. 
It was supposed that we had to choose some flower or nature element as an inspiration, but i wanted to do something more complicated, finally I decided that one of my obsessions would be fine: cyberpunk! exactly futuristic architecture. Also has a touch of film heroine that the professor didn't like (^~^;)

El primer diseño sobre maniquí que hemos hecho en clase! No está cosido, solo está con alfileres así que era complicado conseguir la idea que tenía; al final conseguí esconder los alfileres bastante bien, después de bastantes horas de trabajo ^^U En clase nos pidieron que nos inspiráramos en un elemento de la naturaleza, pero quería hacer algo más complicado ya que he hecho bastantes prendas y el maniquí no es algo nuevo para mi. Quería hacer algo cyberpunk, un gran reto! Pero sabía que no le gustaría la idea a la profesora así que lo camuflé poniendo como tema la arquitectura futurista. 


Materials: White leatherette, textured cotton fabric, black leather strips, optical fiber and a small lantern. 

Materiales: Polipiel blanca, tejido de algodón de hilo grueso, tiras de cuero negro, fibra óptica y una linterna pequeña.

And the optical fiber and small lantern?? Here you can se it shining:

輝く光ファイバ ⊂((・▽・))⊃

I would like to continue doing challenges, but I think in college prefer more "normal" things \( ̄□ ̄)\

Over a thousand people have visited the blog! We should celebrate it, maybe with a facebook page!!! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ coming soon!

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